Workshop starts in Have a ☕!

Research data management
with DataLad

Adina Wagner

Psychoinformatics lab,
Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-7)
Research Center Jülich

Interactive Slides:
PDF for download:

Welcome & Logistics!

  • A approximate schedule for today:
    • 1.00 pm: Introduction & Logistics
    • 1.30 pm: Overview of DataLad + break ☕
    • 2.00 pm: What's version control, and why should I care?
    • 2:45 pm: Reproducibility features + break
    • 3.30 pm: Data publication to the OSF + break ☕
    • 4.30 pm: Outlook and/or Your Questions and Usecases
  • Collaborative notes & anonymous questions:
  • Slides are CC-BY and will be shared after the workshop. Additional workshop contents:
  • Some guidelines for the virtual workshop venue...
    • Please mute yourself when you don't speak
    • Ask questions anytime, but make use of the "Raise hand" feature
    • Drop out and re-join as you please

Questions/interaction throughout the workshop

  • There are no stupid questions :)
  • Lively discussions are wonderful - unless its interrupting others, please feel encouraged to unmute/turn on your video to interact.
  • There is room discuss specific or advanced use cases at the end. Please make a note about them in the Etherpad.

Questions/interaction after the workshop

Resources and Further Reading

Comprehensive user documentation in the
DataLad Handbook (
  • High-level function/command overviews,
    Installation, Configuration, Cheatsheet
  • Narrative-based code-along course
  • Independent on background/skill level,
    suitable for data management novices
  • Step-by-step solutions to common
    data management problems, like
    how to make a reproducible paper

Overview of most tutorials, talks, videos, ... at

Live polling system

Please use your phone to scan to QR code, or open the link in a new browser window

What's your mood today?

Practical aspects

  • We'll work in the browser on a cloud server with JupyterHub
  • Cloud-computing environment:
  • We have pre-installed DataLad and other requirements
  • We will work via the terminal
  • Your username is all lower-case and follows this pattern: Firstname + Lastname initial (Adina Wagner -> adinaw)
  • Pick any password with at least 8 characters at first log-in (and remember it)

Please try to log in now

Prerequisites: Using DataLad

  • Every DataLad command consists of a main command followed by a sub-command. The main and the sub-command can have options.
  • Example (main command, subcommand, several subcommand options):
    $ datalad save -m "Saving changes" --recursive 
  • Use --help to find out more about any (sub)command and its options, including detailed description and examples (q to close). Use -h to get a short overview of all options
    $ datalad save -h
          Usage: datalad save [-h] [-m MESSAGE] [-d DATASET] [-t ID] [-r] [-R LEVELS]
                        [-u] [-F MESSAGE_FILE] [--to-git] [-J NJOBS] [--amend]
                        [PATH ...]
    Use '--help' to get more comprehensive information.

Using DataLad in the Terminal

Check the installed version:
            datalad --version

For help on using DataLad from the command line (press q to exit):
              datalad --help
For extensive info about the installed package, its dependencies, and extensions, use datalad wtf. Let's find out what kind of system we're on:
                datalad wtf -S system

git identity

Check git identity:
          git config --get
          git config --get
Configure git identity:
          git config --global "Adina Wagner"
          git config --global ""
Use the latest datalad features:
          git config --global --add datalad.extensions.load next

Using datalad via its Python API

Open a Python environment:
Import and start using:
              import datalad.api as dl
Exit the Python environment:

Different ways to use DataLad

  • DataLad can be used from the command line
  • datalad create mydataset
  • ... or with its Python API
  • import datalad.api as dl
  • ... and other programming languages can use it via system call
  • # in R
    > system("datalad create mydataset")
  • ... or via a graphical user interface "DataLad Gooey"


  • Joey Hess (git-annex)
  • The DataLad team & contributors
  • The Turing Way
    project & Scriberia

Core Features:

  • Joint version control (Git, git-annex): version control data & software alongside your code
  • Provenance capture: Create and share machine-readable, re-executable provenance records for reproducible, transparent, and FAIR research
  • Decentral data transport mechanisms: Install, share and collaborate on scientific projects; publish, update, and retrieve their contents in a streamlined fashion on demand, and distribute files in a decentral network on the services or infrastructures of your choice

Examples of what DataLad can be used for:

  • Publish or consume datasets via GitHub, GitLab, OSF, the European Open Science Cloud, or similar services
a screenrecording of cloning studyforrest data from github

Examples of what DataLad can be used for:

a screenrecording of browsing open neuro

Examples of what DataLad can be used for:

  • Creating and sharing reproducible, open science: Sharing data, software, code, and provenance
a screenrecording of cloning REMODNAV paper dataset from github

Examples of what DataLad can be used for:

  • Creating and sharing reproducible, open science: Sharing data, software, code, and provenance
  • a screenrecording of cloning REMODNAV paper dataset from github

Examples of what DataLad can be used for:

  • Central data management and archival system

Examples of what DataLad can be used for:

  • Scalable computing framework for reproducible science
Quick break
we're back shortly

What's version control, and why should I care?

Everything happens in DataLad datasets

  • Look and feel like a directory on your computer
  • content agnostic
  • no custom data structures

  • Terminal view

File viewer

...Datalad datasets

Create a dataset (here, with the text2git configuration, which adds a helpful configuration):
            datalad create -c text2git my-analysis
Let's have a look inside. Navigate using cd (change directory):
                cd my-analysis
List the directory content, including hidden files, with ls:
                ls -la .

Dataset = Git/git-annex repository

  • version control files regardless of size or type

    • Stay flexible:

    • Non-complex DataLad core API (easy for data management novices)
    • Pure Git or git-annex commands (for regular Git or git-annex users, or to use specific functionality)

    ...Version control

    Let’s build a dataset for an analysis by adding a README. The command below writes a simple header into a new file
                echo "# My example DataLad dataset" >
    Now we can check the status of the dataset:
                    datalad status
    We can save the state with save
                    datalad save -m "Create a short README"
    Further modifications:
                    echo "This dataset contains a toy data analysis" >>
    You can also checkout what has changed:
                    git diff
    Save again:
                    datalad save -m "Add information on the dataset contents to the README"

    ...Version control

    Now, let's check the dataset history:
                    git log
    We can also make the history prettier:
                (navigate with arrow keys and enter, press "q" to go back and exit the program)

    Exhaustive tracking

    The building blocks of a scientific result are rarely static
    Analysis code evolves
    (Fix bugs, add functions, refactor, ...)
    Based on Piled Higher and Deeper 1531

    Exhaustive tracking

    The building blocks of a scientific result are rarely static
    Data changes
    (errors are fixed, data is extended,
    naming standards change, an analysis
    requires only a subset of your data...)
    Piled Higher and Deeper 1323

    Exhaustive tracking

    The building blocks of a scientific result are rarely static

    Data changes (for real)
    (errors are fixed, data is extended,
    naming standards change, ...)

    Exhaustive tracking

    "Shit, which version of which script produced these outputs from which version of what data... and which software version?"
    CC-BY Scriberia and The Turing Way

    Exhaustive tracking

    Once you track changes to data with version control tools, you can find out why it changed, what has changed, when it changed, and which version of your data was used at which point in time.

    Exhaustive tracking

    With the datalad-container extension, we can not only add code or data, but also software containers to datasets and work with them. Let's add a software container with Python software for later:
                datalad containers-add nilearn \
         --url shub://adswa/nilearn-container:latest
    inspect the list of registered containers:
                    datalad containers-list

    Digital provenance

      = "The tools and processes used to create a digital file, the responsible entity, and when and where the process events occurred"

    • Have you ever saved a PDF to read later onto your computer, but forgot where you got it from? Or did you ever find a figure in your project, but forgot which analysis step produced it?

    Digital provenance

    Imagine that you are getting a script from a colleague to perform your analysis, but they email it to you or upload it to a random place for to download:
                wget -P code/ \
    The wget command downloaded a script for extracting a brain mask:
                    datalad status
    Save it into your dataset to have the script ready:
                     datalad save -m "Adding a nilearn-based script for brain masking"
    Convenience functions make downloads easier. Let's add a nilearn tutorial, and also register the original location of this file as digital provenance:
                datalad download-url -m "Add a tutorial on nilearn" \
       -O code/nilearn-tutorial.pdf \
    Notice how its automatically saved:
                    datalad status
    Check out the file's history:
                git log code/nilearn-tutorial.pdf

    Provenance and reproducibility

    datalad run wraps around anything expressed in a command line call and saves the dataset modifications resulting from the execution

    Provenance and reproducibility

    datalad rerun repeats captured executions.
    If the outcomes differ, it saves a new state of them.

    ... Computationally reproducible execution I

    A variety of processes can modify files. A simple example: Code formatting
                black code/
    Version control makes changes transparent:
                git diff
    But its useful to keep track beyond that. Let's discard the latest changes...
                git restore code/
    ... and record precisely what we did
                datalad run -m "Reformat code with black" \
     "black code/"
    let's take a look (press q to exit):
                git show
    ... and repeat!
                datalad rerun

    Seamless dataset nesting & linkage

    Poline et al., 2011

    Seamless dataset nesting & linkage

    $ datalad clone --dataset . inputs/rawdata
    $ git diff HEAD~1
    diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
    new file mode 100644
    index 0000000..c3370ba
    --- /dev/null
    +++ b/.gitmodules
    @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
    +[submodule "inputs/rawdata"]
    +       path = inputs/rawdata
    +       datalad-id = 68bdb3f3-eafa-4a48-bddd-31e94e8b8242
    +       datalad-url =
    diff --git a/inputs/rawdata b/inputs/rawdata
    new file mode 160000
    index 0000000..fabf852
    --- /dev/null
    +++ b/inputs/rawdata
    @@ -0,0 +1 @@
    +Subproject commit fabf8521130a13986bd6493cb33a70e580ce8572

    ...Dataset nesting

    Let's make a nest!
    Clone a dataset with analysis data into a specific location ("input/") in the existing dataset, making it a subdataset:
                datalad clone -d . \ \
    Let's see what changed in the dataset, using the subdatasets command:
                    datalad subdatasets
    ... and also git show:
                    git show
    We can now view the cloned dataset's file tree:
                    cd input
    ...and also its history
    Let's check the dataset size (with the du disk-usage command):
                    du -sh
    Let's check the actual dataset size:
                    datalad status --annex
    You can get or drop annexed file contents depending on your needs:
                    datalad get sub-02
                    datalad drop sub-02

    ...Computationally reproducible execution...

    Try to execute the downloaded analysis script. Does it work?
    cd ..
    datalad run -m "Compute brain mask" \
      --input input/sub-02/func/sub-02_task-oneback_run-01_bold.nii.gz \
      --output "figures/*" \
      --output "sub-02*" \
      "python code/"
    • Software can be difficult or impossible to install (e.g. conflicts with existing software, or on HPC) for you or your collaborators
    • Different software versions/operating systems can produce different results: Glatard et al.,
    • Software containers encapsulate a software environment and isolate it from a surrounding operating system. Two common solutions: Docker, Singularity

    Software containers

    Computational provenance

    • The datalad-container extension gives DataLad commands to register software containers as "just another file" to your dataset, and datalad containers-run analysis inside the container, capturing software as additional provenance

    ...Computationally reproducible execution

    Let's try out the containers-run command:
    datalad containers-run -m "Compute brain mask" \
         -n nilearn \
         --input input/sub-02/func/sub-02_task-oneback_run-01_bold.nii.gz \
         --output "figures/*" \
         --output "sub-02*" \
         "python code/"
    You can now query an individual file how it came to be…
                    git log sub-02_brain-mask.nii.gz
    … and the computation can be redone automatically and checked for computational reproducibility based on the recorded provenance using datalad rerun:
                    datalad rerun
    Quick break
    we're back shortly

    Sharing datasets

    Apart from local computing infrastructure (from private laptops to computational clusters), datasets can be hosted in major third party repository hosting and cloud storage services. More info: Chapter on Third party infrastructure.

    Sharing datasets

    There are lots of available services, but we will focus on the Open Science Framework.

    Transport logistics: Lots of data, little disk-usage

    • Cloned datasets are lean. "Meta data" (file names, availability) are present, but no file content:
    • $ datalad clone
        install(ok): /tmp/studyforrest-data-phase2 (dataset)
      $ cd studyforrest-data-phase2 && du -sh
        18M	.
    • files' contents can be retrieved on demand:
    $ datalad get sub-01/ses-movie/func/sub-01_ses-movie_task-movie_run-1_bold.nii.gz
      get(ok): /tmp/studyforrest-data-phase2/sub-01/ses-movie/func/sub-01_ses-movie_task-movie_run-1_bold.nii.gz (file) [from mddatasrc...]
  • Have access to more data on your computer than you have disk-space:
  • # eNKI dataset (1.5TB, 34k files):
    $ du -sh
    1.5G	.
    # HCP dataset (~200TB, >15 million files)
    $ du -sh
    48G	. 

    There are two version control tools at work - why?

    Git does not handle large files well.

    There are two version control tools at work - why?

    Git does not handle large files well.

    And repository hosting services refuse to handle large files:

    git-annex to the rescue! Let's take a look how it works

    Git versus Git-annex

    Dataset internals

    • Where the filesystem allows it, annexed files are symlinks:
      $ ls -l sub-02/func/sub-02_task-oneback_run-01_bold.nii.gz
      lrwxrwxrwx 1 adina adina 142 Jul 22 19:45 sub-02/func/sub-02_task-oneback_run-01_bold.nii.gz ->
      (PS: especially useful in datasets with many identical files)
    • The symlink reveals this internal data organization based on identity hash:
      $ md5sum sub-02/func/sub-02_task-oneback_run-01_bold.nii.gz
      aeb0e5f2e2d5fe4ade97117a8cc5232f  sub-02/func/sub-02_task-oneback_run-01_bold.nii.gz
    • The (tiny) symlink instead of the (potentially large) file content is committed - version controlling precise file identity without checking contents into Git
    • File contents can be shared via almost all standard infrastructure. File availability information is a decentral network. A file can exist in multiple different locations.
    • $ git annex whereis code/nilearn-tutorial.pdf
      whereis code/nilearn-tutorial.pdf (2 copies)
              cf13d535-b47c-5df6-8590-0793cb08a90a -- [datalad]
              e763ba60-7614-4b3f-891d-82f2488ea95a -- jovyan@jupyter-adswa:~/my-analysis [here]

    Delineation and advantages of decentral versus central RDM: Hanke et al., (2021). In defense of decentralized research data management

    Git versus Git-annex

    Data in datasets is either stored in Git or git-annex
    By default, everything is annexed.
    Two consequences:
  • Annexed contents are not available right after cloning, only content identity and availability information (as they are stored in Git). Everything that is annexed needs to be retrieved with datalad get from whereever it is stored.
  • Files stored in Git are modifiable, annexed files are protected against accidental modifcations
  • Git git-annex
    handles small files well (text, code) handles all types and sizes of files well
    file contents are in the Git history and will be shared upon git/datalad push file contents are in the annex. Not necessarily shared
    Shared with every dataset clone Can be kept private on a per-file level when sharing the dataset
    Useful: Small, non-binary, frequently modified, need-to-be-accessible (DUA, README) files Useful: Large files, private files

    Useful background information for demo later. Read this handbook chapter for details

    Git versus Git-annex

      Users can decide which files are annexed:

    • Pre-made run-procedures, provided by DataLad (e.g., text2git, yoda) or created and shared by users (Tutorial)
    • Self-made configurations in .gitattributes (e.g., based on file type, file/path name, size, ...; rules and examples )
    • Per-command basis (e.g., via datalad save --to-git)

    Publishing datasets

    I have a dataset on my computer. How can I share it, or collaborate on it?


    Sibling (remote)
    Linked clones of a dataset. You can usually update (from) siblings to keep all your siblings in sync (e.g., ongoing data acquisition stored on experiment compute and backed up on cluster and external hard-drive)
    Repository hosting service
    Webservices to host Git repositories, such as GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Gin, ...
    Third-party storage
    Infrastructure (private/commercial/free/...) that can host data. A "special remote" protocol is used to publish or pull data to and from it
    Publishing datasets
    Pushing dataset contents (Git and/or annex) to a sibling using datalad push
    Updating datasets
    Pulling new changes from a sibling using datalad update --merge

    Publishing datasets

    • Most public datasets separate content in Git versus git-annex behind the scenes

    Publishing datasets

    Publishing datasets

    Publishing datasets

    Typical case:
    • Datasets are exposed via a private or public repository on a repository hosting service
    • Data can't be stored in the repository hosting service, but can be kept in almost any third party storage
    • Publication dependencies automate pushing to the correct place, e.g.,
      $ git config --local remote.github.datalad-publish-depends gdrive
      # or
      $ datalad siblings add --name origin --url --publish-depends s3

    Publishing datasets

    Special case 1: repositories with annex support

    Publishing datasets

    Special case 2: Special remotes with repositories

    Publishing to OSF



    Requires the DataLad extensions datalad-osf and datalad-next

    1. Log into OSF
    2. Create personal access token
    3. Enter credentials using datalad osf-credentials:
                    datalad osf-credentials


    Create the sibling in your dataset (different modes are possible):
                    datalad create-sibling-osf -d . -s my-osf-sibling \
                    --title 'my-osf-project-title' --mode export --public
    Push to the sibling:
                    datalad push -d . --to my-osf-sibling
    Clone from the sibling:
                    cd ..
                    datalad clone osf://my-osf-project-id my-osf-clone
    Quick break
    Next up: Your Questions and Usecases

    Summary and Take-Home Messages

    Your Questions and Usecases

    Post-Workshop Contact

    • Slides are CC-BY. They will stay online and will be made available as a PDF as well
    • Contact the DataLad Team anytime via GitHub issue, Matrix chat message, or in our office hour video call
    • Find more DataLad content and tutorials at

    • Join us at our first conference for distributed data management: (April 2024, registration closes October 15th)

    Thanks for you attention!

    List of installed software on Jupyter

    The JupyterHub runs on Ubuntu 22.04 via an AWS EC2 instance. The following packages were installed with different package managers:

    • apt: Git, git-annex, tree, tig, zsh, singularity
    • pip: datalad, datalad-next, datalad-container, datalad-osf, black

    Instructions to set up and configure your own JupyterHub are publicly available at


      FAIRly big setup

        Exhaustive tracking
      • datalad-ukbiobank extension downloads, transforms & track the evolution of the complete data release in DataLad datasets
      • Native and BIDSified data layout (at no additional disk space usage)
      • Structured in 42k individual datasets, combined to one superdataset
      • Containerized pipeline in a software container
      • Link input data & computational pipeline as dependencies

      Wagner, Waite, Wierzba et al. (2021). FAIRly big: A framework for computationally reproducible processing of large-scale data.

      FAIRly big workflow

      • Parallel processing: 1 job = 1 subject (number of concurrent jobs capped at the capacity of the compute cluster)
      • Each job is computed in a ephemeral (short-lived) dataset clone, results are pushed back: Ensure exhaustive tracking & portability during computation
      • Content-agnostic persistent (encrypted) storage (minimizing storage and inodes)
      • Common data representation in secure environments

      Wagner, Waite, Wierzba et al. (2021). FAIRly big: A framework for computationally reproducible processing of large-scale data.

      FAIRly big provenance capture

      • Every single pipeline execution is tracked
      • Execution in ephemeral workspaces ensures results individually reproducible without HPC access

      Wagner, Waite, Wierzba et al. (2021). FAIRly big: A framework for computationally reproducible processing of large-scale data.