Michael Hanke
Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine, Brain & Behavior (INM-7),
Research Center Jülich
Institute of Systems Neuroscience, Medical Faculty, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
@mih@mas.to @eknahm
Still, someone has to put in the work or nothing will ever be FAIR.
DataLad Gooey: Convenience for exploration and management
Companion (not competition) for the terminal
Metadata entry convenience
Website + Demos | http://datalad.org |
Documentation | http://handbook.datalad.org |
Talks and tutorials | https://youtube.com/datalad |
Development | http://github.com/datalad |
Support | https://matrix.to/#/#datalad:matrix.org |
Open data | http://datasets.datalad.org |
Mastodon | @datalad@fosstodon.org |
@datalad |